Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Webmin Linux Server Administration

While I respect the fact that a command line interface is the most secure server implementation for Linux, I am very excited about the basic user interface provided by the open-source project Webmin. Have you ever wanted all of your commonly used server functions centralized in one easy-to-read, tree-based webs interface? Webmin's checkboxes make server configuration easy, and prevent common mistakes due to incorrect task settings. Although you can use the command line tasksel function to select server roles or "tasks," you can also verify your server tasks and their settings through the Webmin interface. Initial installation and configuration of Webmin is simple and you will most likely access Wemin at http://my host:10000, where my host is typically the name of your machine, for example "ubuntu_one." Webmin accepts third-party plug-ins from a variety of open-source projects, including Squid proxy server and CUPS print server, and open-standard IPSec VPN.

Webmin may not be necessary on a single-purpose dedicated server that only needs to be configured once, however on an actively modified server, it can save time and prevent configuration mistakes.

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